Sunday, April 14, 2019

Will body jewelry make your good boy worse?

Every day I am more and more surprised at the growth rate of my daughter. This seems to be the last time I saw it, she is eight years old. Now she is fifteen years old. I am proud of the young she has become. She is a good student and a good athlete and wants to go further in life. Therefore, when she showed a really very common interest or behavior for a child of her age, I was shocked and found that she could not handle her feelings.

It seems that many of her friends are piercing from standard ear holes to other forms of body jewelry. I have seen a girl with a tragus and another girl with an eyebrow. Although my daughter's coach will not forgive these forms of decoration, she still longs for other more suspicious body jewels.

The place where she and my father struggled together was asking her to limit what she obviously thought was important. Isn't this a punishment for a child who excels and performs well on almost everything she does? If she is a poor student or often has to talk about her behavior or attitude, it is easier to say "no" to body jewelry. This is not the case here.

On the other hand, we are not parents to be friends. Parenting is the raising of children, and sometimes it means adhering to rules that you believe are in the best long-term interest of your child, such as body jewelry. If this sounds like what you are experiencing, I encourage you to discuss your concerns openly and honestly with your child. They need to know why you don't support this idea, lest they think you don't care about their interests or don't believe they can meet other expectations. If you just send out any "No!" without explanation, your good boy may rebel.

Orignal From: Will body jewelry make your good boy worse?

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