Thursday, April 18, 2019

Pro Se Primer 101 - No. 2 - Security Tools: Key to combating foreclosure fraud

Judge: (responding to aorrower)

Mr. Borrower, at Cornell University, they have an incredible scientific device called a tunneling electron microscope. Now, this microscope is very powerful. By emitting electrons, you can see the image of the atom, which is an infinitely tiny building block of our universe. Mr. Borrower, if I am using that microscope now, I still can't find your interest in your question.

Frasier TV series.

Does the "security tool" even sound like a part of a home loan? If you go to the court, your pretender/lender will claim that you signed your eyes with big eyes. What the hell is it, right? It is then a key part of every single illegal building since the mid-1990s.

In the first article, "You need to know the professional entry 101 to combat the illegal foreclosure clause," I can find the relationship of the "basic" files that can be found on this site (the instrument is really, but this is one This primer) 101) This is the promissory note and how it represents the debt you owe.

It is alleged that you signed the promissory note and the guarantee instrument (mortgage or trust deed) at the time of checkout. But I am sure that 99% of readers don't know which file it is. If they see them again, they won't recognize it as theirs.

However, this security instrument is the only document used by these talented lawyers on behalf of virtual payees (true legal terms) that will allow you and your family to take to the streets. They use it to cancel the interests of the borrower, which is not only illegal, but also incredibly stupid. However, it has opposed about 20 million unsuspecting borrowers.

You know, the purpose of the security tool is to follow your promissory notes, which are the rules manual for your loan. It describes your loan. It describes the promissory note, which is the only evidence that you even receive the loan. It describes what happens if you pay off the loan, and it describes what all parties can do and can't do if you can't repay the loan.

However, there is no evidence that the foreclosed party owns your promissory note. It has no value and cannot transfer your loan ownership (acquisition notes).

The only proposition of these "foreclosure parties" that I have never seen before is that they are assigned security tools, which means they can take your house.

But in fact, it's not. However, almost all foreclosures in the past 20 years have been completed by citing the assignment of security instruments.

But let's go back to the first Pro Se Primer 101 and the word "mortgage." We talked about it has two definitions or meanings, but this is not legally correct. The term "mortgage loan" is basically the slang of "home loans" for all 50 states and DCs, as well as some of the island citizens. For a person with judicial foreclosure, this means that you can only impose it by a party who actually owns the lawful and effective interest in the property and goes to the appropriate court and filed a foreclosure suit. The borrower's judicial foreclosure is much better.

But judicial foreclosure claims that they call the security tools in their state a mortgage. As a result, people living in these states have home loans, including promissory notes and mortgages. Of course, this is very confusing.

Now, I will further confuse you. Security instruments in non-judicial countries are known as trust deeds.

In this primer, I can't straighten out all of this. You see, the phrase "trust contract" has two of the three words that will be the subject of all of this and how it works.

Let us talk about the word contract. Many people are there to confuse you. The word trust has three different meanings. You can see it coming from anywhere there. I will arrive at those people right away. I know that you are very curious.

Therefore, as can be seen from this article, the acceptance bill is indispensable, and the mortgage or trust contract is accidental. Foreclosure "under mortgage" only means that the mortgage is only used as a rule book. You canceled the promissory note.

This may be helpful. I have always said this.

' As we said, when you pay for the house, you have not paid off the house. When you pay for a home, what you are really doing is to buy back the promissory notes signed by you.

But this is a judge who is fooled. "Assignment of mortgages" sounds like the allocation of home loans, but this is not the case. In fact you cannot allocate a mortgage. It belongs to the Promissory Note. Therefore, the transfer of the mortgage has no effect, as the promissory note does not follow the mortgage (guarantee tool). But mortgages always follow the promissory notes.

I promise you are right. If you are foreclosed after 1995, there is no real promissory note anywhere, and your foreclosure is based on the allocation of mortgages in the judiciary. Not because it is legal. In fact, it is not legal at all. It simply can't be done.

Ok, you ask me, what happened? Ok, I tried to maintain trust in the integrity of the US court, but I am a fool.

Most judges in the United States either (1) have never read the law on loans, (2) are too stupid (please forgive me, but no other statement), even if they read, they must understand the American Basic Law, Egypt (3) prejudice And prejudice, lawyers in this country (everyone knows that the role of Kevin Bacon's role in Ryan Hardy's "below" will not challenge the sentence when they are wrong. All the laws you want. Call me, just like my client, and tell me that you have found some better laws that you want to tell me.

Our laws are not bad, and my clients have not been deceived. There is no doubt that the participants we trust and we should be able to trust, we cannot believe that 20 million American families have become home to basically refugees. If there are about three people in each family, it is 60 million American refugees. Not only are all the troubles in the world coming together. It is still happening.

If evil wins only good people do nothing, what are you going to do?

The judicial foresight status is:

Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,

Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York,

North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota,

Vermont, Wisconsin

There are non-judicial foreclosure clauses in state laws in Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin; however, judicial foreclosure litigation is common

Non-judicial expected countries are:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, California, Colorado,

District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi,

Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee,

Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming

Orignal From: Pro Se Primer 101 - No. 2 - Security Tools: Key to combating foreclosure fraud

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