Sunday, April 14, 2019

Real-time air pollution data collection and the future of environmental science

Imagine being able to collect air pollution data and greenhouse gas data in real time in cities and low-level atmospheres in our country. Imagine collecting all of this data and storing it in the cloud? is it possible? Well, thanks to drones, airplanes, cars, smartphones, cloud computing, sensor technology and the will of the people, it has now become more likely. Let's discuss some of the latest developments.

You see an interesting new research published in a well-known scientific journal; "Ami Hannon, a sensor array for detecting and identifying methane and other environmental pollutant gases," from Yijiang Lu, Jing Li and M Meyyappan; July 25, 2016. Summary description:

"We use sensor arrays and principal component analysis [PCA] to assist in the sensitive detection and differentiation of gases that affect the environment, such as CH4, NH3, SO2 and CO, which is a 32-element chemical impedance consisting of 9 different sensors. The sensor array material consists of seven modified single-walled carbon nanotubes and two polymers. The PCA results show that the chemical resistance sensor chip has excellent discriminating ability in the range of 1-30 ppm, and is prepared by cavity ring-down spectroscopy. The sensor chip is also integrated with the smartphone and has proven to reproduce the sensing performance obtained with laboratory measurement systems."

We already have drones for collecting atmospheric data and aircraft with sensors. Now these sensors are getting smaller and smaller, they can be embedded in ordinary everyday smartphones. Imagine if all of this data was collected with GPS data and is real-time?

Perhaps we can solve the real problem of air pollution, rather than pretending that we know all the answers and deal with the air molecules produced by pollution in the area and the air molecules that have just been labeled as "evil." The status of the United Nations IPCC. By truly understanding the problem, we can better solve the real problems of human health in cities around the world; Mumbai, Shanghai, Beijing, Mexico City, etc. With NASA satellites and a network-centric strategy for mobile sensors using geographic data, all of which are connected to the cloud and complex ERSI software, we can do this and be right. Think about it.

Orignal From: Real-time air pollution data collection and the future of environmental science

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