Sunday, April 14, 2019

Google Street View (R) enhanced GPS tracking

GPS tracking technology is becoming more and more popular every day. As a source of information to improve the productivity of business owners, provide peace of mind for parents of young drivers, and provide important investigative tools for law enforcement, with numerous applications. The interaction between users and their devices is significantly enhanced by online satellite and street level imaging.

GPS tracking revolution

GPS tracking technology has been around for nearly 20 years, but has only recently become cost-effective and user-friendly. The advent of the Internet, advances in cellular data communications and microprocessors have played an important role in the development of today's modern devices. However, satellite imaging such as Google Earth and Google Maps has revolutionized the graphical interface between users and their devices. Google's satellite mapping interface is simply amazing. With an open architecture application programming interface [API], developers and manufacturers can seamlessly integrate real-time GPS tracking or historical passive GPS tracking data into satellite imaging. The end result is a very accurate representation of the location of the vehicle over the realistic 3D satellite imagery.

Google takes users to the street

Manufacturers continue to benefit from the power of Google Earth and Google Maps. One of the more powerful features offered by these programs is Google Street View. From the zoom bar of these programs, the user can drag the Street View icon and drag and drop it onto the road of their choice, provided it is highlighted in blue [indicating available street level imaging]. There, it provides the user with the appearance of standing on the street at that location, with zooming in and out, and, if selected, advancing along the road. The advantage of manufacturers and developers is that Street View allows their users to monitor where the vehicle is parked, otherwise these locations will be more difficult in the top-down direction or impossible on standard digital color street maps.

Google's Street View vehicles are equipped with sophisticated roof camera systems that digitally capture public roads. These vehicles are clearly marked and do not mistake their identity. For those who care about privacy, Google will do everything to disguise individuals, license plates, etc. before releasing data.

Since the early 1990s, manufacturers of GPS tracking devices have realized the importance of 3D satellite mapping partnerships to users. The next few years will definitely bring more exciting changes that will only enhance the experience of all users from the business to the consumer.

Orignal From: Google Street View (R) enhanced GPS tracking

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