Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Screenwriter + Visualization - the key to writing scripts with ease

Let's face it, it can be difficult to write a script. This is a daunting task. Especially if you have never written before.

I am sure you are trapped in a dark theater to watch a less-than-excellent movie and say to yourself: "I can do better!" The truth is, you may... if you just "make yourself "Get out of trouble."

what does that mean?

I mean to bypass the inner critics. The loud voice behind your head kills dreams and wishes. The voice said: "I think I can write a script?" It may be evil, evil, and completely debilitating. That's why you need to eliminate it from the creative process.

The best way is to use visualization. Creative visualization is a state of mind where you can relax completely and get positive affirmations and advice. It is a state that bypasses the key parts of the mind and enters the right brain, where the creativity lies.

I am sure that you have been in an authorized state before. It is often referred to as "in the flow" or "in the area." It is the ideal creative state. This is our best effort to do our best.

When our scriptwriters are in an ideal state, ideas come out unconsciously, and they flow into our consciousness like magic. We found ourselves typing and talking effortlessly. We almost feel that we are connected to things other than ourselves.

The obstacles of the writer are just the opposite. This is where every idea you put forward is carefully examined and judged ruthlessly. You think every idea you have is terrible, or has been said a million times before. You feel lacking or creative or have nothing to say. But the truth is that the writer's blockade is purely a protective mechanism that uses fear to prevent you from venture into the unknown realm of "danger."

But the obstacles of the writer can be overcome through creative visualization. Creative visualization allows you to get out of stress or fear and enter a new space of peace, peace and tranquility. In addition, when the body releases all tension, it produces natural by-products that produce a relaxing response - learning, healing or focusing on the perfect state of the target.

Personally, I use visualization to help me get into the right writing state. I just relax, let go, listen to my personal recorded music and definitely. But you can easily create your own visualizations. The following are:

1. Write a positive list of writing, "I am a good writer", "I feel easy to flow to me", "Write a script is very interesting", "Every idea is a good idea", "I am So happy to write this script! "Write down everything you saw for the screenwriter career," I wrote an Oscar-winning script "or" Hollywood studios always ask me to write."

2. Purchase a small tape recorder. You can use a handheld recorder, but a newer digital recorder is recommended because you can take it with you to record your movie script ideas.

3. Select your favorite meditation music recording. Play it gently in the background.

4. Gently and slowly tell your affirmation to your digital recorder. Repeat a series of affirmations based on your needs.

Find a quiet place and close your eyes. Listen to your new visualization twice a day with a pair of headphones to drown the interference. Feel your own relaxation and let yourself be swept away by positive affirmation... through your strong new future.

Yes, visualization is a powerful technique that can be used to conquer writers' barriers and bring new creativity to your scriptwriting career. In a competitive environment like Hollywood, any advantage you can use can change between success and failure.

Happy writing!

Orignal From: Screenwriter + Visualization - the key to writing scripts with ease

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