Thursday, April 25, 2019

Should I cut down the tree? Trees in feng shui

Does the tree help or hurt me?

One of the most common problems we encountered in practice was "How do I treat my tree?"

Trees are a beautiful, glorious and important part of our planet, and an indispensable life force in feng shui practice!

Although some trees can block righteousness and even act as poison arrows, the answer is not to cut down on this beautiful natural talent, there are ways to ensure that we work with trees to ensure the best results. The important part of killing natural life is not the answer.

Trees serve as a conduit for returning oxygen to us, providing food, shading and protection, and we need to make sure that we do everything possible to ensure survival, if possible. Some quick tree tips include:

1. Cutting down trees?

Yes, sometimes you need to cut down trees. For example, if a tree is sick, rotten and unable to help, then this decaying energy will be more likely to reduce the level of good gas in the area, actually producing disease and yin, which may be well transmitted to the family. . If you can't save it, cut it off

How about the one in front of the door?

The most common tree problem in feng shui is that the tree is directly in front of the door. This can actually serve as an opportunity, a barrier to prosperity or enrichment. But wait, don't cut it down! First, trim any branches, let as many chi as possible circulate around it, then hang a wind chime on the tree to help guide the air around the tree. If you are still thought to hang another wind chime directly above the front door and also place a mirror or other reflective decoration on the front door, this actually reflects the trees and their challenging energy, away from your door! This should be enough!

3. Health and family trees

Trees are a great choice for bringing health and happiness to you and your family. If you can plant large, sturdy trees in the easternmost direction of your location to protect this aspect of your life. Pine trees are ideal trees in this area because they ensure longevity.

4. Tree protection

The trees actually provide us with a lot of protection. We all know that they provide shade and nutrition. But in terms of feng shui, they also provide ways to stop poison arrows from affecting us. If something points directly to us from across the road, the tree can be used to block this energy. Trees can also be used as "mountain support" in feng shui. There should always be something tall and supportive behind your home - ideally higher than your home. Fences, neighbors' homes, and lights can provide this support, but ideally tall trees can serve as powerful protectors.

5 trees are prosperous and rich!

Just as trees can bring health and happiness - they can also bring prosperity and prosperity. If you have the opportunity to plant flowering trees on your property, the SE compass direction [wealth zone] is the ideal choice. Trees with orange, red or purple flowers or fruits are ideal! [Of course, think about apples, oranges and lavender!].

Orignal From: Should I cut down the tree? Trees in feng shui

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