Friday, April 12, 2019

The benefits of a sun bath - the blessing of skin, bones and muscles

Sunbathing is very important for perfect health. It has mysterious antibacterial and antifungal properties. The sun sprays three rays of light on us:

1. Visible [white] light - The white light of the sun consists of seven different colors of light, as seen in the rainbow. Each color has a specific effect on the body.

2. Infrared - These rays transfer heat. The warmth of these lights is most popular in winter. In addition, these light can relax and soothe muscles, reduce swelling and treat pain.

3. UV - These lights are especially important. Vitamin D is produced in the body by the action of ultraviolet rays that fall on the skin. In fact, sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency causes bone disease to be called "rickets."

Not only the skin, but the entire body can benefit from the sun. Exposure to the sun improves health and strengthens the body's resistance.

Other benefits of sunbathing

1. Sunlight helps nourish muscles. If the skin is deprived by keeping the skin covered, the muscles tend to weaken and deteriorate.

Sunlight promotes the normal formation of teeth, the rapid growth of hair, and rapid and deep breathing.

3. Lower blood pressure and the kidneys become more efficient.

Through the action of sunlight, skin diseases are cured, vesicles are broken, and wounds heal faster.

5. Sunlight maintains and even increases the amount of alkali in the blood.

6. If a pregnant woman is sunbathing regularly, she can alleviate common pregnancy discomforts such as fatigue, back pain, nausea, over-stimulation and lactation after childbirth.

How to wash the sun bath?

You should first expose your body to the sun for 5 to 10 minutes, the front part of the body is half of this period, and the back is the other half. After that, the exposure time can be gradually increased, convenient, about one hour. After sunbathing, you should take a cold bath or wipe your body with a body that is wrung with cold water.

The mild sunshine in the morning or evening has no harmful effects on the body. This is always beneficial. However, it is recommended to avoid exposing the body to strong sunlight at noon.

Discomfort experienced during sun exposure, or a burning sensation of the skin, indicates excessive exposure to sunlight.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of qualified health professionals before starting any health plan.

Orignal From: The benefits of a sun bath - the blessing of skin, bones and muscles

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