Friday, April 12, 2019


Food commodities are traded on international markets on all continents and distributed to remote areas. Food is ranked according to availability productivity and population growth needs. Non-processed foods, such as whole grains, beans, spices, cashews, frozen foods, fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, etc., are foods that are traded to local or internal markets and international markets. Processed foods include cooking oil, butter, cheese, cedar, juice, sauces and all types of flour. The food industry is a multi-billion dollar company and the largest industry in the world.

Handling foods includes many important factors that cannot be ignored, such as storage, shelf life and temperature conditions. Care should be taken to ensure storage space requirements, as the amount of space required in the warehouse depends on the total amount of food stored and the number of different items. A separate stack requires more free volumes than a large stack; therefore, each item should be stacked separately. Shelf life refers to the average time that a product can be stored without nutrient deterioration. Food commodities may deteriorate due to aging, microbial decay, chemical and physical degradation, and texture changes. By careful processing, packaging, handling and storage, food degradation can be reduced or slowed down. It is not possible to control temperature and humidity conditions to accommodate general guidelines for a variety of foods, as these conditions and operating environments vary from place to place. However, some basic instructions can be followed, such as keeping all foods in dry conditions, storing dry and wet foods separately, cross-ventilating in warehouses, skylights and covering food during transportation.

In addition to food products, which are a profitable trading business, large quantities of food are donated through food distribution programs as relief measures. The commodity food programme required uses basic staple foods to provide essential nutrients for people in extreme food security emergencies and to provide essential nutrition for development activities aimed at achieving food security goals.

Orignal From: Food

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