Sunday, April 14, 2019

What are the first steps to take before making a commitment?

Too many people have experienced the heartbreak of divorce and/or relationships and wonder why things started to be so big but the ending was so terrible. This article will challenge you and inform you about the basics of entering relationships.

The first step may be the most difficult, that is, know who you are. I mean, you really know what your basic undeniable needs are when you or current or potential important people. Ask yourself what the five personality traits I have to have in my partner. I call these "must have". In other words, if any one of them is missing, then it is a trade destroyer, you know.

You can't try to minimize these factors based on other factors such as attractiveness, sexual attractiveness, financial status, etc. Of course, there may be more than five there, but I find that when people are on the scene, they are not prepared to provide five mandatory personality requirements and can rank them in importance.

They often ask about the characteristics of this person, such as economic stability, attractive, interesting love, good sexual partners, smart, like to travel, etc. within a certain age range. Remember that body appeal is often the first element that brings people together and it's important to maintain an attractive, neat appearance. Although beauty is obvious in the eyes of the beholder, and overweight may be attractive or almost insignificant for some people, more people prefer those who are not optimal weight but are not considered to be fat people.

If the potential or current partner is overweight is a major issue, keep in mind that this is not necessarily a permanent condition. Finding the right way to lose weight for you [if your partner wants you to lose weight] is usually a challenge, but the physical appearance can change for a variety of reasons, and other features should be more important. Unfortunately, these features are often not sufficient to support long-term love relationships. Here, the rate of divorce and relationship breakdown in the United States is high. When I saw a high-profile Hollywood marriage and then divorced, I often wondered what was the basis of their marriage. Given the beginning of the relationship to the point of marriage soon, it often looks like a historic train wreck is waiting to happen.

It takes time to know someone and have no solid foundation, and there is very little lasting power. What I have discovered over the years is that we believe that certain things are taken for granted to others who may be important to us and lead to certain assumptions. Then we enter a relationship, sometimes based on their behavior, to determine if another person is really compatible. In this way, it can be so good, so let's see that the stage often lasts for a long time, which usually strengthens the relationship without a truly incompetent hit that becomes the basis of the breakup. Some people say, "What are we doing?" and must decide whether to make a commitment.

However, at this time, it should not be a question of what we are doing, but I have better understood you, you have met my necessities and many of my needs discussions that are less important. What are these less important requirements? What is the difference between them and the necessities you might need. Well, less important needs are those that you want to see in other important people, but not the trade killer itself. In general, I suggest you consider five such features. If not, these five "likes" needs do not necessarily lead to divorce or breakups.

These like Haves are usually something, if not the personality of that person, you can find it elsewhere. For example, if your important other person is mostly sofa potatoes and you are an outdoor enthusiast, golfer, swimmer, canoe, etc., you can do these things with your friends and be satisfied. However, if you think you must share these activities with your partners, you may want to list outdoor enthusiasts as a must. In general, I recommend that people keep things that cannot be replaced by other friendships or family relationships.

If your important person is a very serious person and you need to maintain a sense of humor in your partner, then humorous friends going out together will not replace your partner's need to share humor with you because they need humor. To ease the tension between you. You and your partner. No one can say something that is important to you, but you have to do some real soul search, not to think of any reason as a potential partner. If we are dating but not living with this person, we usually see the best side of this person.

In fact, I know that a couple has defined their relationship in this way and have never lived together, but for more than a decade they have been "happy" together and loyal. However, although I don't think that living together is an absolute prerequisite for determining the compatibility of potential partners, it may be useful, but not necessarily decisive. I often see people change when they get married, because behind their minds, they think their boyfriend or girlfriend can or don't do X, Y or Z, but certainly not my husband or wife.

Once a full commitment is made, our expectations usually change, but it is best to discuss and agree on what changes, if any, in the expected relationship. All in all, it is highly recommended that you take some serious reflections on your necessities and your favorite Haves to determine the personality of your partner will provide you with the best chance of success. Of course you should let your potential partners do the same exercises. If you have all the things you have to take care of and your three or four like Haves, then consider doing it. You will have a better chance of success in a long-term relationship.

Orignal From: What are the first steps to take before making a commitment?

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