Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Why cross-cultural management requires an interpreter

In this era of business globalization, it is not surprising that more and more companies need managers and leaders who can effectively work in different cultures and countries around the world. This is not a small task and requires very special skills. These professionals must be able to understand highly diverse markets and oversee teams of people around the world. There is no doubt that these people must have a high level of expertise in their industry, but the assets of cross-cultural leaders/managers far exceed work experience. Most of them are individuals who are well educated, open-minded, able to adapt quickly to different situations and people, spend a lot of time in different countries, and speak at least two languages, if not more. Still, finding the right person - someone who meets all of the above criteria and who is fluent in the language and culture of the particular country the company deals with - will be a small miracle. This is why interpreters and translators play such an important supporting role for cross-cultural managers.

In addition to the obvious language challenges associated with high-level communication with business leaders in other countries, corporate executives also need to remember the deep cultural differences that exist between people in different parts of the world. If these executives are fortunate enough to find an experienced, qualified manager who speaks fluent language and is familiar with the cultures of other countries, then the problem is solved! But in general, cross-cultural managers need the help of highly skilled interpreters. It is best to not only understand the nuances of the language and terminology communicated during a business meeting, but also be fully acquainted with the culture. Another country can guide managers to address these cultural differences in the right direction. Ideally, the translator would be a native speaker, or at least a person who spent a lot of time in the country.

Now that we have identified the importance of interpreters and translators as cross-cultural manager support staff, the next question is how does the company find these qualified professionals? The simplest answer lies in a reputable translation company that employs a variety of translators and interpreters from around the world. Through this type of organization, executives can find a qualified and experienced linguist; he is not only fluent in language, but also understands cultural differences and can provide cross-cultural managers with global reach. The information needed to conduct business. Translation companies can also ensure that interpreters have a background in the relevant industry - especially in the fields of technology and science, which are invaluable.

It is easy to see the importance of cross-cultural managers and leaders. But remember that the role of interpreters in today's global marketplace is also important. These highly trained professionals provide companies with insight into cultural differences that might otherwise divide us in our business transactions. With interpreters, company leaders can not only effectively communicate with business partners from other parts of the world, but also effectively market their products and services to customers around the world. As we look forward to a world in which global business transactions are becoming more prevalent, it is clear that the demand for translators and interpreters will continue to grow.

Orignal From: Why cross-cultural management requires an interpreter

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