Tuesday, May 7, 2019

5 network security tips to help you stay safe at work

If it is not your job to deal with cybersecurity issues, why should you care? You have to do this because you still need to play your role in this system. If something goes wrong and you are found to be at fault, you will be held accountable.

If you want to stay safe, here are some tips for network security tips.

Avoid writing passwords on paper

No matter how much work you need to do at work, make sure your password is secure. It's not a good idea to write a password on paper like a sticky note and then put it in a place that everyone can see. This method will damage your personal data faster than you think. Please try the password manager.

Avoid using public Wi-Fi

Regardless of the type of industry you are in, you may need to do some work when you leave the office. Today, everyone needs to stay connected to the Internet via WiFi at any time, but public WiFi is not a safe option here.

If you plan to use public WiFi, be sure to use your company's VPN before making important financial transactions.

Avoid using unknown USB drives

People discard things, especially small ones. You may have encountered something lying on the ground, such as a USB drive. What would you do? Like most people, you will want to take advantage of it.

Unfortunately, according to research, most people who encounter USB drivers will connect them to their computers to view their content, which is a big mistake. You don't know what is stored on them. It could be a virus or malware that could damage your office computer or steal your sensitive data. Therefore, it is better to avoid using such devices.

Avoid phishing traps

Criminals often access corporate networks through phishing traps. It's important to remember that small businesses and large enterprises are not immune to these frauds. It can happen to any of us.

You may think that you are safe, but know that your data may be stolen. Criminals are always looking for opportunities to achieve their goals. They may steal your data and sell it on a dark network.

So the question is, how do you avoid phishing scams? Very simple. You should not just click on any link that is very similar to the website you visit frequently.

Back up your data

Make sure to back up your data. Ranswomware has caused billions of dollars in losses, especially for businesses. When people are unable to access their important documents, they agree to pay the ransom amount requested by the cyber attacker. Usually, they target companies because they can pay huge ransoms to save their data.

So what is the way out? You only need to back up your data, which will keep you safe when you refuse to pay the ransom and the hacker deletes your data.

So these are some of the cybersecurity tips you might want to follow to make sure your work is safe.

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