Saturday, August 31, 2019

Basketball Tips You Will Not Find Elsewhere

When playing basketball, the goal is to get better and better. That being said, wouldn't you like to learn a few tips and tricks to help you out? Keep reading so that you can find out some great information so that you can take those other players to school, so to speak.

Practice passing drills as a team. Basketball is a team sport first and foremost. You've got five people on the court with the same common goal. Teams that are great at passing can really break up a defense making it much easier to get into good scoring positions. You'll definitely win much more than you lose when you work as a team.

Learn how to turn on your pivot foot when stopped with the ball. Being able to pivot is an important skill to learn. If you've pulled up your dribble, you can no longer take any steps forward. That means your back foot can't move. But you can pivot on it to face different directions and fake out an opponent. It can help you out of a jam.

If you want to improve your jump shot, try shooting free throws blindfolded or with your eyes closed. Your free throw percentage ought to be pretty good before you try this. However, once it is, you can use this technique to really get down a fluid and instinctive shooting motion with your arms and body. Just make sure to do this alone in a gym, as to not errantly hurt anyone or break a window.

Where loose fitting shorts and a sports shirt that lets you move. Basketball is a very physical sport. There's a lot of running, a lot of physical contact, and a ton of jumping. You want to wear clothes that let you move as well as possible. If you don't, you'll find your time on the court to be pretty miserable.

Use two hands when trying to make shots. Have both thumbs on the ball so that they are almost touching. Put the ball over your head but be sure you are able to see what you are aiming for. When you shoot, aim for the backboard or give it a backspin by rolling your hands down while shooting.

As the old saying goes, there is no "I" in team. So don't focus exclusively on trying to be the one to make all the winning points. Make sure you are just as determined to help your team members score their winning points as well. Being a team player means the whole team working together, each playing their own part to win the game.

Make basketball a learning activity. It isn't always about playing. Sometimes it's about studying. There are all sorts of unique moves, team plays, and rules that you can go over to give you as much knowledge as possible about the game itself. That knowledge can come in very handy during game time.

Play full-court basketball whenever you can. If you love playing, then you probably know a half-dozen spots where you can play street ball or playground pick-up games. While these are good, they don't give you the practice or experience of getting down the whole court. This matters in fast break situations, both offensive and defensive.

A consistent routine will help you to achieve great free throws. Inconsistent shooting will lead to inconsistent results. The easiest way to make sure you're doing great at free throws is to do repetitions of the same routines time and again. If you break your routine, you'll start missing shots.

Increasing the strength of your hands is a great way to improve your ball handling skills for basketball. Finger pushups should be a regular part of your basketball practice routine. You can also increase hand strength by squeezing a tennis ball on and off throughout the day. Begin by doing this every other day and build up to 6 days per week.

Incorporate lots of squats into your basketball training. Squats help to increase the natural elasticity of the legs and buttocks. When you need to propel yourself down the court, speed is imperative and demands strong legs. Squats will also do wonders for your jump shot and dunks. Bring weights into your squats and you will create a winning combination.

The perfect shot begins with how you position your body. Your knees need to be slightly bent and your feet need to point directly at the basket. You will get a good arc to your shot only if you have your knees properly bent, so be sure to do this every time you shoot.

To make great free throws, you need to arc the ball about four feet above the net. If you don't put an arc into your shot, you are unlikely to get the ball into the net. Practice creating an arc with your shots so you can master free throws when you face them.

To be sure that you are not withdrawing your hand too quickly when you take a shot, leave it up after the ball has left your hand for two seconds. If you pull your hand back too early, you can under power your shot or cause the ball to go off target.

Understand that your importance as a player does not mean that you are more important than any other member of the team. Even if you are the person who makes most of the goals, you would not have that chance without the support of your teammates and all of the other team supporters who make your team possible.

Walk on all sides of your feet as much as you can to strengthen your ankles. This means walking on the outsides of your feet for a while, then switching and walking on the insides. Follow up with steps primarily on your toes, and then heels. This helps prevent or minimize sprained ankles, which are among the more common basketball injuries.

Now that you've read this article, you should now be excited about using the tips on the basketball court. Remember that you must practice what you read, so get motivated so you can become a better player. There is always room for improvement, and you're about to step it up.

Orignal From: Basketball Tips You Will Not Find Elsewhere

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