Saturday, August 31, 2019

How You Can Take Control Of Your Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can be a bothersome problem in your life and influence the way you act, the events you attend, and majorly reduce your self- confidence. Understanding how best to manage your panic attacks so they don't control your life is critical. The advice in this article will teach you how to control panic attacks, and finally get your life back.

Some processed foods, and many fast food items, can actually trigger panic attacks. I won't name the company, but there is a type of fried chicken that would cause my heart to start palpitating within 30 minutes of eating it! Stick to wholesome, fresh foods you prepare yourself to avoid an attack.

One way you can cut a panic attack short is to reassert control over your actions. The more you refuse to give in to your fear, fighting whatever it tells you to do, the less likely your anxiety is to return.

Try to look at what is happening to you during a panic attack and focus on reality. Either speak out loud or grab a pen and paper and start to clinically describe the situation at hand. Don't look at anything that is fear-related as it's probably not real anyway. Just focus on your body.

Pretend you feel great when you have a panic attack. Say out loud that whatever is bothering you is just fine. For example, "My heart is NOT fluttering! It's beating perfectly and smoothly and I am so thankful for that!" Rotate around your body and truly believe in the words you say and they'll come true in short order.

Think through your fear thoughts during a panic attack and try to figure out why these problems are bothering you. If the dishes in the sink bother you, why? Is it because you don't want people to see them? Why not? You may find a deep rooted problem which needs to be dealt with.

Become the person you need to be to beat panic attacks. If you want to be a confident person, imagine you are. If you want to have more control in your life, BELIEVE that you have complete control. Whenever you feel the opposite way stop what you're doing, clear your mind of the bad thoughts, and remember you are the person you want to be.

When you have a panic attack, try to find something to do that you enjoy. For example, some have found it helpful to perform a cleaning task that is repetitive, like vacuuming. Both the sound and the motion might help to relax the body and the mind. It can also provide a feeling of accomplishment when you're done!

If you practice good posture, your anxiety problems may be alleviated. This is because when you sit or stand up straight, your chest is open, which allows you to breathe in a more relaxed fashion. This will help alleviate unnecessary tension in your body which can contribute to anxiety and panic.

If it is possible at all, get them to come by and sit with you for a while. It can be a very quick and effective aid to reduce your anxiety.

If you want to find the cure for panic attacks, and it does truly exist, it's inside of you. The cause of your attacks is mental, and finding what it is and dealing with it, will help you to be free of panic attacks for the rest of your life. Consider finding a professional to help you cure your affliction.

There are some causes of panic attacks which are preventable. For example, if no one in your family has a history of panic attacks, then you might want to get tested for chemical imbalances like hypoglycemia or hyperthyroidism. Also, if you are prone to panic attacks then avoid stimulants like caffeine or nicotine which can amplify feelings of panic or anxiety.

Try to keep caffeine out of your life if you suffer from panic attacks. Pop, coffee, black teas, and even chocolate can cause your blood pressure to rise and that can cause a panic attack to start. Instead, drink herbal or green teas which can soothe your mind and relax you.

Take a self-analysis before you have an attack. Finding the root causes of your fear can be enlightening. Look into what is causing your fear and share these deep fears with someone you trust. When you share and explore the root causes of your fear, it loses the power over your mind.

Consider your diet and how it affects your stress levels. Junk foods that contain a lot of sugars or bad carbohydrates can cause imbalances in your system. This is also possible if you skip meals and snacks. Not only does healthy food keep your body fueled but also regulates the system for normal functioning in stressful situations.

Analyze your panic attack when you have one and concentrate on each symptom. If you're breathing fast accept that it's happening and then consciously try to slow it down. Next, look at your muscle groups and see if they're clenched. If they are, breathe deeply and relax each one. You'll find your analysis outlasts the attack.

Never consider yourself a failure because of your panic attacks. There are a number of different techniques and strategies you can keep trying in order to eventually find one that will work for you.

To stop the intrusive thoughts that can provoke or prolong a panic attack, try practicing visualization. Imagine yourself floating away from the panicked feelings, or picture the panicked sensation leaving your body. Since you can only focus on one thing at a time, you can use this trick to stop dwelling on the negative feelings or thoughts that you have during an attack.

Now that you know a little more about managing panic attacks, you should have a heightened sense of confidence and be able to take some time to enjoy life. Some people suffer from anxiety and panic attacks more than others. Thankfully, this can be properly managed and have less of an impact on your life.

Orignal From: How You Can Take Control Of Your Panic Attacks

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