Friday, April 12, 2019

Factors of infertility and impotence in astrology

Infertility is unable to produce offspring, and impotence is a state of sexual dysfunction or reproductive system dysfunction. These conditions may exist in one or both parties. Genetics, drugs, hormones, lifestyle, poor health, mental and genital defects are factors that contribute to local impotence, infertility and infertility.

Factors that lead to infertility and impotence

Moon: Spiritual power, the movement of vitality in the body, such as the body's fluid, blood and lymph. Female reproductive function is the main indicator of pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, and fertility
Mars: acute disease, elevated body metabolism, sexually transmitted diseases
Sun: Indicates the vitality and metabolism of the Constitution
Venus: reproductive organs, sexual activity
Saturn: Chronicle disease, reduced metabolic capacity, toxin retention and deposition, slow body parts, low endocrine gland function, cold and obstruction
Signing Libra: Expressing sexual pleasure, genital 7th house: sensual enjoyment, sexual desire, personal organs, partner's health
Rise: general psychological and physical ability

Combination of infertility

· The sun is associated with even signs and moon odd signs
· Saturn is associated with even symbols and Mercury with odd symbols
· The sun is associated with Mars in even and odd signs
· The rise and the moon are both odd and affected by the assumed Mars in the even symbol
· The moon in the odd symbol and the mercury in the even symbol are affected by Mars
Venus, Moon, and Fang Xing are all signs of men
· Venus causes infertility at 6/8/12/home or with 6 lords
· Sixth and rising lords with Mercury and Rahu, showing the problem of generating parts
· Venus is speculated/associated by Saturn and Mars in the seventh house, indicating infertility.
· Ascendant is in the sixth house, the owner of the sixth house and Mercury, the locals will be infertile.
· Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in the 8th house, indicating infertility
· Mars is in the seventh house of Saturn
· Mars and Saturn are in the 7th house
· The combined rise of Mercury in conjunction with Lords 6 and 8 indicates that the local population may have an incurable sexual disease that causes infertility.

Yangshuo combination

· Mars in Libra indicates problems with the sex organs and dissatisfaction in the bed.
· Libra and Sun/Mars and Rahu in Libra indicate disturbances and diseases in the reproductive organs.
· Four planets in Libra indicate insufficient sexual ability
· The weaker in the 7th house and the afflicted Venus indicate that the wife will be poor or the husband may be powerless
· The masculinity of Mars and House 7 indicates impotence caused by the urinary system
· Saturn and Venus induce impotence on the 8th / 10th without any benefit
· Saturn is in the sixth or twelfth house of depression
· Saturn is the 6th / 12th place of Venus
· Saturn is in the 12th place of Venus
· Mars, Rahu and Saturn know about the moon in Libra, the locals will be powerless
· The rise in his own house and the fact that Venus is placed in the seventh house indicates impotence
· The Moon and Saturn are in the 4th or 10th place of Mars, indicating Yangshuo
· The king of the sixth house is associated with Mercury and Rahu, and the Lord of the rising king has anything to do with them.
· The sixth lord, Mars and Saturn have an advantage in Gemini/Virgo, only male partners can do nothing
· Lord 7 joins the sixth house, Venus said that the native wife will be very cold
· The sixth lord proposed in Gemini/Virgo and evaluated by Mercury indicates that both sides are powerless




Orignal From: Factors of infertility and impotence in astrology

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