Saturday, April 20, 2019

Read this before watching another superhero movie

We are about to twist on the controversial side. You see, whenever you mention a superhero movie, you will immediately see that the faction is ready to compete for the composition of the superhero movie. Sometimes the basis of the argument is that the source material is completely ignored and the problematic hero is given Hollywood treatment. Others think that movies are meant to be accurate rather than spreadsheets rather than subdivided in spreadsheets - it all depends on entertainment.

The bigger goal here is to talk to comic book lovers, who want to take advantage of the movies released by the big superhero movies. In other words, it is time to relax your vigilance. No one will question your fans or deny your source of material loyalty for many years. This is to let you occasionally put down a comic book and then go to the movies based on the characters and story you know and love.

If what we describe sounds like you, then here is a quick guide to superhero movies and make the most of them:

Accept the difference from

 - Authoring licenses are part of writing a movie script. Even if you can use source material, sometimes you must create a story arc that helps the rhythm of the movie. Elements will be missed and the entire character may not be part of the story. It is film production 101.

Series vs sequel from

 - You may not leave room for a sequel in a neat ending, but keep in mind that a manga that has been in the for decades can freely keep the story for a long time. The film must end or at least be successful enough to make the crowd want more.

Suspicion of suspension from

 - Sometimes you just have to let go of your fans and watch a movie. Unless any ruthless person is not properly handled, enter the theater because everyone who knows you has the upper hand and only kicked for hours.

If you happen to be one of the casual movie fans who like movies based on comic characters rather than these materials, please refer to this guide as a bit of concession to each other, all with the knowledge about the comics on their sleeves. Don't hate it, of course, don't underestimate these people. Because they may be willing to just watch movies for entertainment, maybe you can work hard and ask for some role background. You may find that you have missed some serious nuances to make your favorite characters more dynamic and deeper.

Superhero movies have caused some serious emotions among people, especially comic book lovers, who are committed to understanding the context of the characters and their backgrounds. While a truce between casual superhero movie fans and dedicated comic book lovers can be ambitious, being able to share the same space to watch interesting movies may be a good start.

Orignal From: Read this before watching another superhero movie

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