Saturday, April 20, 2019

Remote high frequency radio communication on a sailboat

For most people, sailing is synonymous with adventure and excitement. In an era when traditional technology has not yet been developed, this is indeed an adventure. However, the ocean is still a lonely place. Today, with the innovations in communication scenarios, the intensity of this adventure is not as strong as it used to be. The introduction of VHF, satellite phones, SSB radios, the Internet, etc. has made the world so small that even sailing in the ocean is as luxurious as sitting at home. Improvements in navigation safety are the most important impact of these innovations. Most sailboats have these facilities so they can get the safety they need.

VHF radio
VHF radios are also very helpful for sailors. It consists of a receiver and a transmitter with an operating frequency range between 156 and 176 MHz. It can be used as a communication medium for navigation with ports and other ships or vessels. However, the main disadvantage of using VHF radios is the distance with which they can communicate. This distance depends on the height of the antenna in the ship, the curvature of the earth and the point of convergence of the two. Further distances can only be compensated by other vessels. The quality of the communication also depends on the strength of the radio signal in the VHF radio.

SSB radio
Single sideband or SSB radios are available for medium and high frequencies. The IF is used as a ground wave for a range of 30 to 300 miles. In addition to this, the group needs a high frequency where the signal will be sent to the ionosphere and then reflected back to the Earth's surface. The main disadvantage of using such a radio is that the user must adjust the set to the conditions of the ionosphere and the specific time of day. The collection also allows users to send emails, but slow speeds can make this thing tedious.

satellite telephone
Satellite phones communicate directly using orbiting satellites. Due to the high efficiency of the medium, most new-generation HF sailboats are using this type of communication. There are now four major communication networks. The four existing communication networks are Inmarsat, Iridium, Globalstar and Thuraya.

Long-distance sailing ships use comets because it uses large low-orbit satellite networks. In fact, the low-orbit satellites in the network are only 480 miles from the Earth's surface. This is why the network provides global coverage. The network can even be used in polar regions. The Internet connection in this network is also very fast. You can use this network to send up to 20 emails per minute.

The emergency positioning indicator radio beacon, also known as EPIRB, is used to transmit a distress signal when the sailboat is at risk. It is a security device and is not intended for normal communication purposes. When water enters the device, it automatically sends a distress signal that has the longitude and latitude of your ship to the near base.

Most HF sailboats use these new era communication media to ensure the safety of boats and sailors.

Orignal From: Remote high frequency radio communication on a sailboat

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