Saturday, April 20, 2019

Why is our politics so PARTISAN?

Although there has always been a certain degree of partnership when talking about American politics, recently we must doubt and consider why our politics will gradually become, from


 ? In the past, politicians disagreed, argued and perceived things in different ways, but in the vast majority of cases, ideas, seeking, exchange of ideas, for the common good, these days seem to be missing! Chris Matthews ' The first book, How, House Speaker, O'Neill and President Reagan, they are close friends in the political spectrum, still friends, respect these differences, which makes it possible to reach an agreement, national reason. We seem to have witnessed such a period today, during which this disagreement has become personal and political, rather than the usual empty speech and commitment, welcoming it, a polarization, negative, ironic, It seems to be in common, almost impossible to achieve. With this in mind, this article will try to use the mnemonic method to briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss how it affects us, and why we need rewards, open discussions, and some possibilities for both sides to compromise.

1. from

policy; Listing: from

 While many people always disagree, there should be some basic priorities that they can agree on. These should be based on strengthening our constitutional references, implied and allegedly guaranteed freedom, rights and freedoms. Unfortunately, even in these areas, there is unprecedented irony and attraction, We are against them , mentality, has been formulated, to achieve the necessary, high-quality public policy, almost impossible to achieve!

attitude; Qualification note: from

 We need leaders to seek solutions in a true, positive, and actionable manner, rather than an empty promise! According to reports, our president is not willing and not ready to develop his abilities and skills, which may make him better equipped! Be aware that politicians are the most concerned place!

3. from

realistic; Reason / reasoning: from

 We should be concerned that when more than a third of the American public supports a person who is proud to move forward, the slogan is "Let America be great again" instead of seeking a relevant, realistic approach and a viable solution! Check someone's reason, explain their reasons, and pay attention to whether it is in the best interests of all Americans!

4. from

real; development trend: from

 Be careful a beautiful past , methods, because the times are changing, we need leaders, willing to develop, with an open mind, and the power to introduce plans and recommendations in a timely manner! In fact - the checkers claim that our president has more than six major misstatements every day, rather than clearly expressing real, targeted information and taking advantage of major trends, our system needs to be fixed!

5. from

thought; imagination; Integrity: from

 This is the time for quality creativity, which is consistent with the core ideology that the United States has always represented! We need to be guided by talent, with relevant imagination and commitment to absolute integrity, rather than choosing the same, same old politician!

6. from

system; Sustainable solution from

 No/until, our leaders emphasize serving those who represent their own personal/political agenda and self-interest, and we will challenge and continue to advance a system that delivers truly sustainable solutions!

7. from

Mouth 伶俐:

 Often, the difference between advancing and unprecedented leadership is choosing individuals who express positive, unified information rather than an extreme, confrontational message!

8. from


 Our priority should be to solve the true and perceived needs of our citizens to a certain extent, while ensuring freedom, freedom and justice for all, while solving economic and security issues!

enough from


 Quarrel, let us try, look at the views of those we disagree with, and seek an exchange of ideas for the common good! Before our quarrel, will you pay close attention to further harm our society?

Orignal From: Why is our politics so PARTISAN?

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