Saturday, April 20, 2019

The truth about political lies

I have recently heard people say that once we accept faith or philosophy, our goals will be strictly weakened. We no longer try to discern whether the content we read or hear is true or not, but accepts any information that supports our beliefs. This can be seen politically.

Unfortunately, for politicians and lawmakers across the country, the usual practice is to put yourself first, participate in party politics, accept money from lobbyists and big donors in exchange for their votes, and they There is little concern about the things that are good for us. Country and taxpayer. When those politicians are on the spot, try to answer difficult questions, or do something bad or illegal, they rarely have. For too many politicians, lying seems to be second nature.

The core followers of many politicians quickly accepted the statements of political leaders as truth, even if the statement was clearly not true. Today, it seems that some voters are more willing to ignore the lies and suspicious behavior of political leaders when they agree with the politicians' stated goals.

It is foreseeable that those who have made mistakes in the wrongdoing of these politicians are quickly branded as enemies and trying to destroy them. Of course, violating politicians and his/her supporters always place political enemies under different, usually higher, standards of conduct. By ignoring lies, bad behavior, illegal behavior and the damage caused by these leaders, followers say that as long as they get what they want, legal, ethical behavior and poor performance are not important.

Since truth is truth and lies are lies, we will find that each purpose is at both ends of the spectrum.

The purpose of lying is:

- Deception and misleading

- Cover up some things

- To tell the truth, it's hard to find

- Proof of incorrect statement or conduct

- Advocacy

- Support or continuation error

- Hide misconduct, wrong or illegal behavior

- Make others look bad or look guilty

- Change opinions

- Hide the facts

- Refuse what is said or completed

- Transfer focus to less controversial topics

The purpose of the facts is:

- Reveal and verify facts and details

- be honest and open

- Reveal the exact remarks, actions, motivations and personalities of the relevant personnel

- Enable us to confirm and fully determine what is said and what is happening

Politicians immersed in the network of lies and misconduct:

- Cover up their misconduct

- Tell the extra lies to cover up the first lie

- unable to support their statements with specific details and details

- Make up for untrue information and scenarios

- Distract attention through unverified and untrue statements

- Constant efforts to grow and cultivate suspected seeds

- Try to legalize the facts that may cause trouble to supporters

- Exaggerating claims and blowing small things in a disproportionate way

- Slamming those who don't buy lies

- Use personal attacks to devalue dissidents

- Participation in name phone number

- I look forward to my friends supporting lies by speaking and acting.

- Use 'Alternatives'Fact and Irrational Logic

- Quote unreliable sources and identify incorrect information

- Make false and misleading statements as part of everyday life

- Repeat the lie over and over again, hoping that the supporters believe them

- Stir their base supporters when they are in trouble

- Hire competent lawyers to minimize damage

- Attempts to devalue and undermine government agencies

- Proving rejection of the rule of law

- Strive to smash journalists seeking truth and truth

- claiming that they were treated unfairly by the media

- Try to cast a shadow over the truth and the facts

- Blaming responsibility for others

- Mark any and all negative information as 'Fake '

- Start a fake campaign

- found that they must go back and change the previous statement

- Use half-truth to support their case

- Disagree with confirmed facts

- Bullying and threatening key people to stay quiet

- I don't think they can see the truth anymore.

- I began to believe that there was a conspiracy to get them.

- Delude thinks they are doing something good.

- Claiming no hindrance & #39; at the same time hindering efforts to find the truth

- Take many actions to intervene and emphasize the investigation

- Try to discard investigators

- caught in contradiction

- Reduce their worrying behavior and lie patterns

- Forgive yourself for your actions while condemning others

- Take action outside of traditional and accepted norms

- When things start to crash, throw friends under the bus

When politicians are concerned that their past statements, actions and behavioral consequences may put them at legitimate risk and/or may affect their financial and political future, they tend to use these strategies. They also adopt these strategies when they are worried that their support base may be seriously eroding.

When politicians adopt such behavior, they show us and tell us that we should not believe in them, we should not believe them, and certainly should not support them. Any political position based on lies and misconduct must be recognized and seen as an intolerable personal insult and betrayal.

Everyone should understand that politicians who tell us the truth and have not committed any serious crimes have no reason to participate in these deceptive activities. Those who use and rely on these strategies cannot ignore or explain this key point. Truth and facts are important and must be cherished.

"People can choose between sweet lies or painful truths.

I said a painful fact,

But many people don't want to hear. "

- Avigdor Lieberman

"Lying is a cooperative act.

Think about it.

A lie has no power, it is just its words.

When others agree to believe in lies, its power will appear. "

- Pamela Meyer

Since the corner of trust is both truth and moral behavior, political leaders who do not tell the truth mislead us and cannot have a proper place in the government. All of us should agree that our trust and support should only be provided to politicians who tell us the truth, ethically and in our best interests.

Liars and unethical people in political positions should be held accountable for their lack of respect for us and the offices they own. Therefore, we must make sure to hear our voices. We do this by calling and sending an email and a complaint letter to the unscrupulous politician's office. Most importantly, our votes should be attributed only to authentic, trustworthy and ethical candidates.

It is the duty of every voter to let political leaders take responsibility. High school students, college students and all new voters will also be asked to take on the same responsibilities, seek truth and bring our politicians to the highest standards. Even if politicians promise and provide something we want, we should not sacrifice this responsibility. If our own standards fall to that level, we will pay a terrible price.

Orignal From: The truth about political lies

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