Sunday, April 14, 2019

How computer viruses work

Viruses - whether they are real viruses or computer-based viruses - are fascinating animals. They are actually useless in addition to biological hosts [in the case of biological viruses] or computer systems [in the case of computer viruses]. But once they penetrate the host body or system, they start real work. Computer viruses can only enter the computer system through vulnerabilities. If these vulnerabilities are removed, the virus will be helpless and will not cause damage. One way to prevent computer viruses from penetrating your computer is to install anti-virus firewall software on your computer.

In order to be more effective in avoiding virus infections, you must be familiar with how they work.

A computer virus is essentially a software code or software program created by a human animal. Once the computer virus infiltrates into the system, it rides on other files on the host system. For example, a virus can insert itself into an executable on a computer system, and the virus code is executed each time the executable is run or called. Computer viruses are copied and transmitted in this way.

In addition, computer viruses often destroy computer files. By injecting virus code into files and documents on your computer, viruses can actually make these files unusable. Therefore, if the file is the one you need for your computer to function properly, a virus infection can effectively destroy your system and prevent it from starting.

Some viruses have only a thousand bytes, and some can take several kilobytes or even a few megabytes. However, most viruses are usually small in size. Their small size makes them easy to spread.

Hundreds of computer viruses are spreading or writing every day. However, most can be easily found through a good anti-virus firewall software program. Some viruses that are still unrecognized or still "in the wild" can cause damage for some time until anti-virus software companies begin to notice them and their behavior. Once these "wild" viruses are included, antivirus companies send remedies and software patches so your system can protect yourself from newbies.

At the end of the day, all of this comes down to what you bought to protect yourself from computer virus infection. You can do this by installing anti-virus firewall software on your computer.

Orignal From: How computer viruses work

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