Thursday, April 18, 2019

Packet capture - definition and importance

As the data remains streaming, the sniffer captures each packet and decodes them as needed to display the values ​​of the various fields in the packet. Then analyze the content according to the specification. This analysis helps determine if an anomalous packet exists. This helps maintain efficient data transfer.


Packet capture can be used in two ways - legal and illegal. In legitimate use, sniffing identification data and transmission errors to ensure efficient network communication. However, in an illegal situation, disgruntled employees can use this data to actually capture the company's credit account information. Obviously, this information is not for any holy purpose. He can use this information to transfer company funds to his own personal account!

Its importance

The primary focus of the packet sniffer is to detect the network. Packet capture is similar to phone line eavesdropping. It can detect the contents of a computer network. The main function of the software is to monitor performance and troubleshoot problems that may occur in the network. In addition, it can use software programs to capture traffic from different parts of the network. It may not be advantageous to sniff data only from a portion of the network because information can be obtained from all different parts of the network. This task can be easily done using the monitoring port. It intercepts data at different points and sends it to the administrator for decoding and analysis.

Data decoding

Packet capture acquires data in an encoded format; in other words, in digital form. It is then decoded into a human-readable format. The information is then read by the administrator and the administrator detects the error. He also decrypted the root cause of the error and fixed them.

Reference device

In addition to capturing data, some packet captures also create traffic. This later became a reference device and later used as a protocol tester. The tester generates the correct flow for the protocol and is used for functional testing. Creating error traffic in this way deliberately introduces errors. This helps the administrator test the extent to which the sniffer handles the actual error condition.

Analyze network problems

The packet sniffer has multiple functions. However, the most important of these is the analysis of network problems. This helps detect intrusion attempts, detect network abuse, monitor dynamic data, debug server communications, filter suspicious content, detect and quarantine used systems, collect network statistics, and monitor network usage. The data collected in this way is used as the main data for network monitoring.

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