Thursday, April 18, 2019

Marseille age group

This is the central unit of the Marseille society. The boy starts when he is between 12 and 25 years old, depending on the last start every 15 years or so. Before the boys started, they took care of the calves and lambs. They also experienced ritual beats to test endurance and courage. On the other hand, girls learn cooking and milking skills from their mothers. They help with housework at the homestead. The boys ' launch ceremony involves circumcision. This is a painful process, using a sharp knife, no anesthetic. Cowhide is used as a temporary bandage. The expression of fear and pain is regarded as the weak and the shame of the family.

The foreskin process is completed by the elderly. Any movement during this procedure can cause pain, which can lead to long-term scarring, excessive bleeding, pain and dysfunction. The boys accepted circumcision and they must wear black clothes for a period of four to eight months. The healing process takes about four months. During this time, passing urine is very painful and almost impossible process. During this healing period, they lived in many places built by their mothers. There are no security walls like normal enkajis around these shelters. This is to emphasize Moran's new role or community protector.

Once the boys are activated, they become juniors. The group was originally a primary morans, becoming a senior morans and a continuous senior elder. These elders are responsible for community decision making.

Orignal From: Marseille age group

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