Saturday, April 20, 2019

Five reasons to hinder women’s participation in politics

Women have a larger share of our society. However, the history of women's struggle to stand on equal footing among male counterparts is not very flashy. From the campaign of suffrage in the 1980s to today, the struggle continues in one way or another. Developed countries have reduced their status in a better way while developing countries are still struggling. The United Nations' integration of gender equality into its sustainable development goals reflects the need to improve the situation of women around the world. The commitment of developing countries to achieve this goal is commendable. However, the main body of the strategy is being developed, laws are being developed and action is taken, and the importance of their voices must be recognized and incorporated into the same system as their male counterparts.

The first step in empowering women and allowing women to express their opinions is to participate in politics. The importance of becoming active in the political process is achieved through the fact that they can only express their opinions and express dissatisfaction after being elected and part of the legislature. And the problems women face. Finally, develop laws that are beneficial to women.

Five reasons for hindering women's participation in politics:

1. Cultural barriers: In most developing countries, women's roles are mothers, sisters and daughters. She seems to look after the house. Even if they are allowed, they are not allowed to choose the occupation they want first; women have limited choices.

2. Lack of education: First, the educational level of these countries does not meet the standards. Educated women prefer to stay safe by joining a profession such as teaching. Second, most women do not have the necessary knowledge about the process, and women do not have the experience to contribute to important policy development issues. This reason. This further worsened their situation.

3. Institutional barriers: They include processes and procedures that make it difficult for women to survive in work situations. In order to make adjustments in an organization's specific environment to make it acceptable, women need to transform their feminist behavior into a masculine flow that segregates them in society, or in another case. They are under tremendous pressure to maintain a balance between work and life.

4. The patriarchal system: The patriarchal system is spread across all areas of developing countries. In the beginning, male family members did not allow women to choose this area. If they choose, they must face a patriarchal culture in the work environment, which will undermine their skills and neglect and their voice.

5. Economic dependence: This is also a major reason, as most women in developing countries are engaged in housework; they are highly dependent on male members. This economic dependence not only undermines their level of trust, but also hinders them from expressing such intentions or wishes.

These more or less common causes of women's participation in political barriers. In order to achieve gender equality and increase women's participation in politics, the authorities first need to understand the root causes of possible responsibilities in a specific context. Only in this way can corrective actions and measures be effective.

Orignal From: Five reasons to hinder women's participation in politics

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